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Most health conditions are preventable as long as they are not genetic. Avoiding and preventing health problems requires knowledge and care. Good Samaritan Cancer and General Hospital hosts a range of preventive health programs to aid patients and guests in improving their knowledge of preventive measures. General physicians can arrange a diverse range of tests appropriate to your condition. These may include bedside tests such as an electrocardiogram (ECG)urinalysis (U/A)blood sugar level, blood pressure, faecal occult blood test. Occasionally a biopsy or small piece of tissue is required for diagnosis and this will be sent to a pathologist for full analysis. Imaging done by radiologists also forms part of the investigation pathway and these may include X-Rays, CT scans, ultrasound or MRI.


Based on your condition, the general practitioner will perform a thorough diagnosis and then recommend further treatment and tests or refer you to a specialist in another division so that they may coordinate on treating your condition. Each patient undergoes a thorough analysis before any further treatments or procedures are to be administered.




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